Everyone has been in a situation in which they need to get to their destination in a hurry. While some people are reluctant to overstep the legal boundaries to get somewhere as quickly as possible, others do not think twice when deciding to run red lights or exceed the speed limit. Unfortunately, the desire to get somewhere in a hurry can have devastating consequences. Statistically speaking, car accidents in Lexington and elsewhere in Kentucky often result from running red lights. In fact, 43% of motorists admitted to blowing through a red light in the past 30 days, according to 2018 study. A recent report showed that motorists are more likely to run a red light than ever before. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that the number of crashes resulting from running red lights is the highest it has been in a decade.

Traffic Deaths Caused by Running Red Lights are at an All-Time High

After analyzing data from 2012 to 2017, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that deadly car crashes due to motorists running red lights skyrocketed by about 30% in that period. In fact, the number of these fatalities was at a 10-year high in 2017. In 2017, more than 900 people lost their lives because someone decided to blow through a red light. That means that more than two people died every day because motorists fail to stop for the signals. The vast majority of these deaths caused by drivers’ failure to obey traffic lights are not the motorists themselves but other people, mostly pedestrians. The report from AAA also found that Kentucky had the seventh-highest number of fatalities caused by drivers who ran red lights between 2008 and 2017.

Why do Motorists Run Red Lights?

Typically, vehicle crashes resulting from running traffic lights are caused by the negligent or reckless operation of a motor vehicle. Although people are taught to obey traffic lights when getting their driver’s license, many choose to violate this basic traffic law due to:

  • Speeding up to beat the light
  • Getting through a late yellow light
  • Failing to slow down for the yellow light
  • Looking at their cell phone
  • Being distracted
  • Driving under the influence (DUI)

Proving Fault When the Other Motorist Ran a Red Light

Unless the police officer physically witnessed a car crash in which one motorist ran a red light, the officer will establish fault by interviewing available witnesses, examining evidence, and looking at surveillance camera footage. The police will also examine all vehicles for any signs of speeding or other factors that indicate either party’s fault. Surveillance and security cameras are often available when crashes occur around intersections in Lexington. However, obtaining that footage can be difficult, which is why you may need help from a Lexington car accident attorney. A knowledgeable car accident lawyer will challenge the contents of the police report, if necessary, re-interview witnesses, gain access to the video surveillance, and look for other evidence to prove that the other driver ran a traffic light. Contact Roberts Law Office to prove fault and pursue the compensation you deserve for your losses.