We all know that there are plenty of awesome amusement parks in Lexington and Kentucky, from bungee jumping and Williamstown Family Fun Park to Kentucky Kingdom. But what happens when things go wrong? Part of what makes these amusement parks so fun is the underlying thrill of risk, even when safety measures are in place. Unfortunately, numerous incidents in the past have shown us that these amusement parks might not always be as safe as you might hope.

If you have become injured as a result of your visit to a theme park, you may be able to pursue a personal injury case against the responsible party. This is also true if your family member has been killed or injured. If you would like to take serious legal action and pursue justice, it is best to enlist the help of an expert attorney with plenty of personal injury experience.


If you can show that your injuries were caused by negligence on the part of the amusement park or its employees, you may be able to pursue legal action and receive damages for your injuries. Here are some examples of what may constitute negligence in the context of a theme park:

  • Improperly operating a ride, train, or slide
  • Misleading, inadequate, or missing signs to communicate the risks of the ride
  • Not giving instructions to the people using the ride
  • Not training employees properly
  • Not enough inspections of rides

Product Liability

You may also have a strong personal injury case if you can prove that the “product” (the ride) was defective in some way. This is called a product liability claim. Here are some examples of what might constitute product liability in the context of a theme park:

  • Structural defects
  • Design flaws
  • Not enough testing before the ride was approved for use by the public
  • Specific components that do not stand the test of time


Almost all amusement parks require you to sign a disclaimer before you go on the rides. You may assume that this disclaimer protects the park against all legal action, but this is not always the case. In fact, most judges now agree that no one ever actually reads these disclaimers. In addition, the legal language used in these disclaimers is often phrased in vague and generalized terms, making for an extremely weak defense in court. An expert attorney can quickly break through this type of defense.

Notable Examples

Over the years, there have been a number of high-profile personal injury lawsuits involving theme parks in Kentucky. In 2018, the city of Louisville agreed to pay $6 million to settle an incident involving the Zoo Train. 22 people were injured when the train was derailed. Another notable accident happened in 2007 when a girl’s legs were severed at Six Flags Kentucky. As of 2020, the lawsuit is still in progress, and the girl’s family is seeking damages. In addition, the theme park has changed its name.

Your Legal Options

Amusement parks in Kentucky should be held accountable for injuries. When you enlist the help of an attorney who can help you seek justice, you will make these amusement parks safer for everyone. An experienced attorney can show the court that the amusement park was negligent or point out the flaws in the ride that constitute product liability. Reach out to Roberts Law Office today, and we will strive for the best possible legal outcome.