When you go to work each day, you likely do not think about what you will do should you wind up suffering an injury. But, this needs to be in the back of your mind because it is always a possibility that you come home injured. You do not have to work in a dangerous profession to suffer an injury that affects your ability to use your arm. A rotator cuff injury can be serious, require surgery and extensive rehabilitation, and prevent you from working for an extended period. Below, you will find some tips for caring for a rotator cuff injury suffered at work.
Pain Relievers
A rotator cuff injury is not fun to deal with no matter your age or physical condition. The pain associated with such an injury can be unbearable to the point that your doctor might have to prescribe pain relievers, especially after going through surgery. Pain relievers should be used according to the instructions, and any remaining pills should be disposed of properly.
Ice and Heat
Ice and heat play a big role in caring for your rotator cuff injury. Applying ice to your shoulder, where your rotator cuff is located, will help reduce inflammation in the muscle. An ice pack should be applied to the area for a total of 15 to 20 minutes once every three hours. The ice could also help reduce the pain. A couple of days after the inflammation and pain have subsided, you can begin using a heating pad to loosen tight muscles in the area of the injury.
Rest, Rest, Rest
You will need to rest the affected shoulder as much as possible. If this means stopping repetitive actions using the affected arm, do so. It also might mean wearing a sling or other brace to prevent you from raising the arm too far in the air. Be mindful of how you sleep. You might not be able to sleep on the affected arm until the injury has completely healed.
Physical Therapy
You might be ordered to undergo physical therapy by your doctor no matter if you underwent surgery or not. Make sure you follow the doctor’s orders and attend physical therapy as often as prescribed. The physical therapist will work through various exercises with you during the appointment, teaching you what to do, and will expect you to perform the exercises on your own at home.
Take Breaks
If you are able to return to work while recovering from your rotator cuff injury, be sure to take regular breaks. Do not overdo it while at work. Know your limits and do not be afraid to ask for help or to ask for a break from the work you are performing.
Injured in Kentucky? Call the Roberts Law Office
Have you suffered a rotator cuff injury on the job in Kentucky? If so, you need to protect your rights and speak with an experienced personal injury attorney from the Roberts Law Office. Our team will be able to answer all of your questions, provide you sound advice, and represent you in court when seeking compensation for your injuries. Contact our Lexington office at (859) 231-0202 to schedule a consultation with a member of our team.